Learn A New Skill For The New Year

Learn A New Skill For The New Year
Learn A New Skill For The New Year
Giving things up for new year is a common practice but also a very difficult one that most people break after just a few weeks. So this year make your resolution be to learn something new, to up-skill, to re-skill; here's a few good reasons why ...

  • A new skill to put you ahead of other job candidates
  • A new skill for a change in career, 
  • A new skill to enhance your studies 
  • Or just a new skill for fun! 

But what skill should I choose? Well, design skills are one of the most adaptable and sought after skills around as they show you to be creative and innovative but also logical and organised. So here are the top 5 design areas for you to up-skill in...

Web Design:

More and more business is being done online everyday and because of this every business from your local coffee shop to the multinational corporations has a website. This means there is a growing demand for web designers to create, update, moderate and redesign all these websites. To get in on the action, you will need to learn HTML5, CSS3 and at least a little JavaScript. These programming skills will be further enhanced with knowledge of SEO (Search Engine Optimisation) and design skills like the ability to use Photoshop. Using the web design process is also an essential skill that is unfortunately overlooked by many web developers who call themselves "designers".

Graphic Design:

Sample Poster

A lot of people group the ability the use Photoshop and being a graphic design together as if they were the same thing... they are not! Photoshop is a great software and the Adobe Creative Suite of which it is part is certainly the industry standard for graphic designers but there is a lot more to graphic design that using software, after all, graphic design still existed before computers! Back then, just like for modern graphic designers, the graphic design process, an understanding of colour theorytypography and composition were all keys skills. Some more modern techniques such as the use of attention grabbing techniques in your imagery and the use of the most powerful words in your typography will further enhance your skill base.

Games Design:

Games design with Unreal Engine

The games design process can be completed by just one person but that person would need to be highly skilled in many different areas of the design process and production stages and have a lot of time on their hands! For these reasons computer games, much like anything else, are designed and built by a team of people each with their own specific set of relevant skills. See which role would interest you most or dabble in a little bit of each before focussing on one area to learn. Start your journey here.

Interior Design:

An example of the Urban Interior design style
 Interior design is another misunderstood craft with numerous people claiming to be interior designers simply because they have "an eye for it". The interior design process, when done properly, is a complex task which requires multiple skills and the knowledge of key areas such as interior design styles, colour theory, room layout techniques and an awareness of a multitude of materials and finishes for walls, floors and furniture. Perspective drawing skills and the ability to create presentation boards for potential clients are also valuable skills for any professional interior designer.

Furniture Design:

The most practical and hands on of our top 5 skills for the new year is furniture design. Like all the others understanding the process is key and the furniture design process should be your starting point. After that a look into furniture design history will give you an understanding of traditional and contemporary furniture styles. An awareness of the available and industry standard furniture materials is also a must which will be complemented by a knowledge of the different furniture joinery techniques when you go to build your design prototypes.
Learn A New Skill For The New Year Learn A New Skill For The New Year Reviewed by Opus Web Design on 08:36 Rating: 5

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