Mobile vs Desktop SEO

Mobile vs Desktop SEO
Mobile traffic has overtaken desktop traffic but we are yet to rethink our SEO strategies to be mobile specific

Mobile and desktop SEO both require very different strategies, so it is not surprising that they will both provide some very different results. Today, people are shopping both on the move on a mobile and in their homes using a desktop computer, so website or blog owners need to be considering both these factors when optimising their website.

Over the years, mobile search has picked up considerably, with research by SEOTribunal showing that 58% of all searches coming from a mobile device. Additionally, 40% of people are now only searching only on a mobile device, and will not use a desktop computer at all. Since so much traffic is occurring on a mobile device, it makes sense that businesses should be using this to their advantage.

General or Specialist

It might be tempting to think that those techniques that you use for a traditional site will also work for mobile SEO, but this is not strictly the case. Although it is still SEO, they need to be treated as separate entities. Take going to the doctor as an example. You are able to go and see a general doctor, but you are also able to go to see specialised doctors that specialise in different areas. They will each have a different technique that will treat different issues better than just a regular doctor would. Let’s take a look at the key difference of mobile and desktop SEO.

Search Behaviour

Search behaviour between the two devices are very different, as generally using a mobile device will have a different context for the search. Business owners should try and figure out what their customers are searching for, and do some mobile keyword research to make sure that you are including the right ones in their content.


A mobile users is likely to be highly engaged, as they are constantly on the go. They won’t be interested in scrolling through tons of search results, therefore reaching the top spot is an even more desirable position.

Ranking Algorithm

Both desktop and mobile SEO have completely different algorithms, so that the search engines are able to provide an even better mobile user experience. This wouldn’t be possible without major changes to their algorithm.

Some Statistics

The infographic below outlines some key statistics related to SEO in 2018. These can be used to identify areas within mobile and/or desktop SEO that you optimise for your website.


So now that you know a little more about mobile, desktop and general SEO it's time to put your new found knowledge to work on your website and then watch it rise up the rankings. 

If would would still like to know more you can read our other SEO articles on Image SEO, Image Optimisation For The Web, Top SEO Tips and Web Design Tips From A Professional Web Designer.

Mobile vs Desktop SEO Mobile vs Desktop SEO Reviewed by Opus Web Design on 06:22 Rating: 5

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